Is Pritzker Closing Schools Again November 2020

Breaking News

BREAKING – Three studies published by the CDC, United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland Government & Oxford Academy find the Covid-19 Vaccines do not work

A graduate of Yale University who also obtained a PHD at Princeton University and an MD caste from the John Hopkins University Schoolhouse of Medicine has published a newspaper in which she concludes that mandating the public to take a vaccine is a harmful and damaging act because of splendid scientific research papers which clearly demonstrate the vaccines exercise not prevent infection or manual of Covid-nineteen.

Nina Pierpont (MD, PhD) published a paper on September 9th analysing various studies that were published in August 2021 which show the alleged Delta Covid-xix variant is evading the current Covid-xix injections on offering and therefore do not prevent infection or manual of Covid-19.

The Md of Medicine explained in her published paper that vaccines aim to achieve 2 ends –

  1. Protect the vaccinated person against the illness
  2. Continue vaccinated people from carrying the infection and transmitting it to others.

However, the Dr. of Medicine writes that herd amnesty will not exist reached through vaccination because new enquiry in multiple settings shows that the alleged Delta variant produces very high viral loads which are just as high in the vaccinated population compared to the unvaccinated population.

Therefore, according to Nina Pierpont (Physician, PhD), vaccine mandates; such as the one now enforced in the United kingdom for all Intendance Home staff, have no justification because vaccinating individuals does not cease or even slow the spread of the alleged dominant Delta Covid-19 variant.

Which leads the Physician of Medicine to conclude that natural immunity is much more than protective than vaccination considering all severities of Covid-19 disease produce good for you levels of natural immunity.

Nine Pierpont (MD, PhD) cites three studies whose findings and data support her conclusions and these include a report published August sixth 2021 in the Middle for Illness Command's (CDC) 'Morbidity and Bloodshed Weekly Report', another study published August tenth 2021 by Oxford Academy, and a final study published August 24th 2021 which was funded by the Great britain Department for Wellness and Social Intendance.

CDC Study

The CDC study focused on 469 cases amongst Massachusetts residents who attended indoor and outdoor public gatherings over a two week period. The results plant that 346 of the cases were amidst vaccinated residents with 74% of them presenting with alleged Covid-19 symptoms, and 1.2% being hospitalised.

Withal the remaining 123 cases were among the unvaccinated population with just 1 person being hospitalised (0.eight%. No deaths occurred in either group. The study likewise found that viral loads were found to exist very like among the vaccinated and unvaccinated, significant they were equally infectious.

Oxford University Report

The Oxford University report examined 900 hospital staff members in Vietnam who had been vaccinated with the Oxford / AstraZeneca viral vector injection betwixt March and Apr 2021. The entire hospital staff tested negative for the Covid-19 virus in mid May 2021 yet, the first example among the vaccinated staff members was discovered on June 11th.

All 900 hospital staff were then retested for the Covid-19 virus and 52 additional cases were identified immediately, forcing the hospital into lockdown. Over the next two weeks, xvi additional cases were identified.

The report found that 76% of the Covid-nineteen positive staff developed respiratory symptoms, with 3 staff members developing pneumonia and i staff fellow member requiring three days of oxygen therapy. Peak viral loads among the fully vaccinated infected group were found to be 251 times higher than meridian viral loads establish among the staff in March – April 2020 when they were not vaccinated.

Britain Department of Health & Social Care Study

The UK Section of Wellness & Social Care report is an analysis of ongoing population wide SARS-CoV-2 monitoring in the UK and includes measures of viral load among the population.

The study found that viral loads amid the vaccinated and unvaccinated population are virtually the aforementioned, and much higher than had been recorded prior to the Covid-xix injection curlicue-out. The study also constitute that the majority of cases among the vaccinated population were presenting with symptoms when they became positive.

The authors of the study conclude that the Pfizer and Oxford / AstraZeneca injection take lost efficacy confronting what they claim to be the Delta Covid-19 variant, but they maintain that they are substantially constructive at keeping people from becoming infected with the Delta variant in the range of 67% to 80%.

Nine Pierpont (Doc, PhD) rightly asks in her paper how they can conclude this when 82% of the random sample of new positive PCR tests in the report were fully vaccinated people.

The Doctor of Medicine writes –

'If a vaccine reduces the risk of becoming infected by two-thirds (67%), we would expect the proportion of vaccinated in the positive sample to be less than the proportion of vaccinated in the population.

Say we offset with chiliad people in the country, of whom we will randomly sample 100. The land is 80% vaccinated. This means that in our sample of 100 we have lxxx vaccinated and 20 unvaccinated people.

Let's say that the virus has infected ten% of the people across the sampling menses, or ten full cases. If 8 of the infected are among the vaccinated, and 2 in the unvaccinated (80% and 20% of the positives, matching the ratio of vaccinated and unvaccinated in the population), the vaccine has fabricated no difference in whether one can get infected (0% efficacy). If the vaccine is 67% effective, the cases in the vaccinated grouping would exist reduced by 2/three to 2.67 cases, and the full cases would exist only 4.67 cases (2.67 vaccinated and two unvaccinated).

This means that only 2.67/4.67 or 57% of the cases would be in the vaccinated group, and 43% in the unvaccinated. (We tin can go back to 10% overall beingness positive merely using ratios, yielding cases among the vaccinated and iv.3 among the unvaccinated.)

This is why the proportion vaccinated in the infected sample, very close to the proportions vaccinated in the full population, are incompatible with the efficacy numbers generated by the authors.

It appears to me—equally in the Massachusetts study—that the vaccine is not decreasing susceptibility to infection at all, and is in reality somewhere betwixt slightly (insignificantly) decreasing susceptibility and slightly increasing susceptibility to the Delta variant.

The UK written report is clear that viral load (and thus infectiousness to others) is much greater with Delta than with Alpha, and that, with Delta, viral load and infectiousness are equal in vaccinated and unvaccinated infected people.'

The above iii studies lead Nina Pierpont (MD, PhD) to conclude in her paper that mandating others to have a vaccine is a potentially harmful, dissentious human activity.

She writes that since the principal reason of a mandate is to protect others from infection, and these studies testify beyond a shadow of a dubiousness that they do not do this, those who mandate the Covid-19 injections may wish to seek legal counsel regarding their culpability and liability for potential long-lasting harm to those whom they pressure level into vaccination with the threat of exclusion from employment, educational activity or society.

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